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CRM & Direct Mail Automation at the tip of your fingers

Print marketing is a great way to stand out and connect with your leads and customers using direct mail. Our partners at Postalytics provide an easy way for you to use your CRM data to target, personalize and automate your direct mail marketing strategy.

Use Zapier to integrate GreenRope with Postalytics and start executing automated and completely trackable direct mail campaigns!

CRM & Direct Mail Automation

Postalytics Integration

With our Zapier integration, you can:

  • Automate direct mail campaigns
  • Easily personalize your campaigns using data from your CRM
  • Fully track your direct mail efforts
  • Trigger workflows and other automated actions when people respond or interact with your direct mail pieces

How to integrate GreenRope and Postalytics with Zapier

Creating a connector or Zap as it’s called in Zapier is easy! Before we go into the how-to, first make sure you have an active GreenRope and Zapier

  1. Login to Zapier
  2. Search for GreenRope and Postalytics
  3. Use the Zaps that come up below or scroll down to view all available Zaps as well as triggers for the two apps you’ve chosen.
  4. If you want to create an entirely new Zap, click the ‘Make a Zap’ button in the upper right hand corner.
  5. First you’ll choose your Trigger app. Most of the time this will probably be GreenRope
  6. Next, Select your Trigger (see screenshot below)
  7. Once you choose your trigger, you’ll be prompted to select the GreenRope account that you’d like the Zap to access. Select and test the account. Remember, you will need access and permissions in these accounts to be able to successfully setup the Zap.
  8. Select the group that you will want to Zap to be associated with. This is optional.
  9. Next, you’ll test some sample data to make sure the Zap will work. If the test is successful, it’s time to create the action based off of your Trigger.
  10. Choose an Action app - in this case, Postalytics.
  11. Select the action. In this case it will be Send & Track a Postcard or Letter
  12. Connect your Postalytics Account and test!
  13. On the next screen, you’ll select the campaigns (located in Postalytics) that you’d like to trigger with this Zap. Fill out all the required fields.
  14. Once you’ve filled out all the information with sample data, test the step! Once the step is tested successfully, you are ready to turn on your Zap!

Postalytics + CRM Integration

A few things to remember:

  • If you are setting up a workflow to trigger this Zap, you will need to set this up in GreenRope.
  • Create and save all of your campaigns in Postalytics before creating your Zap.
  • Test, test, and test again! You want to make sure that you Zap is working exactly the what you’d like it to. Avoid any embarrassing mishaps or mess ups!

Click Here to Setup Your Postalytics Account